2020’s Unexpected Comebacks #2: Stephen Fellows – Slow Glass

This comeback is as unexpected as comebacks can get. Stephen Fellows was the lead singer, songwriter and guitarist in the forgotten band The Comsat Angels from 1978 to 1995. All that we’ve heard from him since then was an album of atmospheric guitar instrumentals in 1997. There were a few songs that popped up on Myspace (remember that?) about 15 years ago, but those weren’t new songs. They were recorded in the mid 90s. But now in 2020 he’s back with a new solo album of regular songs.

The first thing I realize when I put the album on is how much his voice has changed since the Comsat Angels. No surprise really, since he’s nearly twice as old now. It really is that long ago. What hasn’t really changed are his guitar playing and the way he writes songs, that all sounds very familiar. Since he’s recorded everything by himself instead of with a band it sometimes feels like a home demo instead of a finished studio recording, but that rough sound actually fits the material quite nicely. The big sound of some of the Comsat Angels albums would have been wrong for this material.

While not as consistent as some of his best work, the album proves he can still write a few good songs: “Endless Deal” is the kind of song only Stephen Fellows can write, “Not Going Down” brings back great memories of the first 2 Comsat Angels albums and also shows how much his work has influenced more recent bands like the Editors. “All Gold” could have been Lou Reed if Lou had a bit more vocal range. “Got Lost” could even have been one of the Comsat Angels’ best songs had he recorded it with them in the 80s.

Slow Glass is certainly not a flawless album. The drum machine often makes you wish for real drums and the songs not mentioned are nothing to write home about. But it’s a pleasant surprise to hear Stephen Fellows add a couple of great songs to his impressive catalogue at a time when nobody was expecting to hear anything more. If you like the Comsat Angels you’ll probably be as pleasantly surprised by this album as I am.


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